Nicolas Petton

Nicolas Petton

Web developer, Lisper, Smalltalker & Emacs maniac.

Nicolas Petton

About me

I'm a Software engineer, game developer, passionate about Lisp, Emacs and the Web. I split my time between Stockholm (Sweden) and Brest (France).

I'm also a hobbyist photographer.


I'm the CTO at Finsit. I previously worked in the RMoD team at Inria. I was also the co-founder of Objectfusion.


You can find most of my git repositories on my Gitea instance and on GitHub.

Past projects

  • I was doing the releases of Emacs from version 24.5 to 27.2. I also maintained several Emacs packages, including Indium, js2-refactor, seq.el, map.el, thunk.el, stream.el, amd-mode, xref-js2, zerodark, niflheim, as well as some others.
  • I'm the creator of Amber, a Smalltalk that runs inside the web browser (I don't maintain it anymore)
  • I'm the author of klassified, a Smalltalk-inspired object model for JavaScript, maintained together with Ben.
  • I'm also the author of SmalltalkHub, a code repository and project management application for Smalltalk (I don't maintain it anymore)
  • I contributed to MongoTalk, the Pharo driver for MongoDB, and Phriak, the Pharo driver for Riak.
  • I worked with Esteban on Tide, a new web framework for Pharo and Amber.

You can learn more about Amber on the GitHub page, and can find more projects on my Github accounts.

Some presentations I gave