* Welcome to the second *Emacs Meetup* in Sthlm!

** Some words about me

   Nicolas Petton

   - I'm french and don't speak Swedish :)
   - Software engineer
   - Emacs user since ~2009
   Web:      nicolas-petton.fr
   Email:    nicolas@petton.fr
   Twitter:  @NicolasPetton

** Many thanks to Företagsplatsen for sponsoring this Meetup

* Agenda

  - What would you like us to discuss?

  - Emacs Lisp in a nutshell

  - Writing a minor mode

* What would you like us to talk about?

** Previous meetup:

  - [X] dired (w/ tramp & read-write)
  - [X] eshell
    - tramp
    - pseudo-devices (/dev/kill)
    - calling lisp
    - redirecting to buffers
  - [X] undo-tree
  - [X] package.el
  - [X] ace-jump-mode
  - [X] paredit
  - [X] multiple-cursors
  - [X] expand-region
  - [X] magit
  - [ ] org
  - [X] company
  - [ ] js2-refactor

  - [X] Keyboard macros

* Emacs lisp: A tutorial